Notification: Warning Signs.

Two different signs were installed (one for each of the notify and evacuate protocols) at each selected location. The signs can be independently switched on & off from within the PTV room and should be illuminated according to the appropriate protocol.

Table 4: Proposed notices for illuminated signs.
Pressure Test Vessel
in Use: Room 140
Moderate pressure:
Evacuate Basement.
High pressure:
Evacuate Building.

Different colors will further differentiate the notices -- yellow for notify protocol and red for evacuate protocol. We propose to place these signs on the ground floor near each building entrance.

Figure 4: Schematic of the ground floor of OSB. The $\Omega $-symbol indicates the proposed locations of the notification signs.
\includegraphics[scale=0.55,bb=30 150 575 645,clip,draft=false]{PTV_Plan.pdf}

Dana Swift,